The conflict never told, until now! It’s land and Sea in a battle of dryness over wetness. Drama! Suspense! Rabbits with weapons! Matthew stands in the shallows and ponders the tough questions as he looks at Land vs Sea.
Everyone loves a theme park. What’s better? Building your own! Matthew loses all the change from his pockets as he loops the loop in the park building game Funfair.
Star Signs: Children of the Stars
Want to expand your games of D&D by offering players more options? Or build a more immersive world that also effects the PCs? Stuart Watkinson looks at just the resource in the new Star Signs: Children of the Stars supplement for D&D.
Wingspan Digital
A flutter of wings. A chirp from the scrub. A rustle from the reeds. It’s the birds we know, but in a whole new place. Matthew gets wild with the digital version of Wingspan.
Expedition to Newdale
The kingdom of Longsdale is full of hidden or forgotten places. Ripe for enterprising individuals to create a base of operations and start exploring! Justin braves the great unknown in the Alexander Pfister designed Expedition to Newdale.
Mythic Encounters
Are you a Game Master looking for that next powerful foe for your players to slay? Or are you a player in search of the ultimate challenge? Stuart Watkinson may have just the resource for you, as he stares into a pantheon of terrible godlike creatures in Mythic Encounters.
Wretched Wasteland
Pursued by bloodthirsty raiders only you, a lone scout, stand between these marauders and your home. Can you make it back in time? Or will you become another pile of bones amongst the wasteland? Matthew flees over a blasted apocalyptic landscape in the narrative roleplay game Wretched Wasteland.
The Vermin
Something lurks beneath the streets. Stuart Watkinson follows the sound of scuttling to discover the world of the ratfolk in this roleplay supplement, The Vermin.
The Sassoon Files
What terrifying secrets await in the city of Shanghai? Stuart joins forces with Sir Victor Sassoon to weed out the lurking horrors in The Sassoon Files from Sons of the Singularity.
The Complete Armorer’s Handbook
Have a favourite weapon or piece of armour in Dungeons & Dragons that you just don’t want to get rid of? Maybe you don’t have to! Stuart Watkinson gives his old kit a new life as he looks at The Armorer’s Handbook for D&D.