The Campaigner

Issue Release

Issue 37 awakens at last

Can you hear that roar in the distance? It sounds like Issue 37 finally awakens! Knights and dragons, a classic pairing. But who comes out on top when an interloping knight faces a concerned baby dragon? Alex Wynnter and Ben Hoban tell us about bringing the asymmetrical two player game The Damsel’s Tale to players, […]

Issue Release

Issue 36 now in the wild

If you go down to the woods today, your in for a big surprise. Issue 36 is finally here! What does it take to create a charming and thematic exploration on woodland city planning? We find out as James Wilson and Dann May discuss the serious work of creating a cute animal world in our […]

Character Casting

Character Casting – Bordo the Brewer

Monks and brewing beer goes back hundreds of years. But what happens when future technology and a worldwide dwindling belief in the All-mighty collide? In this instalment of Character Casting we find out the answer in the form of Bordo the Brewer.

Character Casting

Character Casting – Sklee the Polluted

Being part man, part machine, and stuffed with bio-enhancements can take its toll. Lucky for this guy he’s one tough cookie.The latest addition to Character Casting shambles onto the scene in the form of the horrid Sklee the Polluted.


This past week on the tabletop

18/10/2020 – 24/10/2020 Image Source: Wizards of the Coast, Sharon Tom What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? What dark powers are now encroaching on the world of Krynn? It’s a job for the anti-heroes of old; The Lawyers. Who joins the Dice Men but The Brigade co-designer Alex Wynnter. They […]

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