In The Name of Science

This article originally appeared in Issue2 of The Campaigner. The issue is still available in print or digital download.

By Matthew Lee

When creating a faction, race or even individual in a game setting designers often rely on familiar archetypes to help communicate particular characteristics. These thematic or visual cues help players to identify what the entity is about, and usually indicates elements of play style or force makeup.

One of the most common archetypes is science and technology. This draws on our understanding of modern science and distorts, amplifies or embellishes certain aspects of it. These exaggerated details help to define how science and technology is utilised within a particular entity.

The ways in which science and technology are used as characteristics are many and varied. However, it can be broken down into six fundamental categories. While some entities draw from only one category, usually two or more are blended together to accentuate certain features.

This article will look at these six categories of science and technology, what they mean, and how they can be used as characteristics of an entity.

In The Name of Science

Unique Technology

These are machines or weapons of an individual or experimental nature. They are usually particularly powerful or effective, though at the expense of reliability, safety or just ease of manufacture. Their size and use can vary greatly, though the less safe they are, the more the crew that man it are considered expendable. Often they feature exposed wiring or tubing, visible power sources, and are quite bulky.

At its core, Unique Technology has a high risk to reward aspect. It can be extremely powerful, but when it fails, it does so spectacularly. This can be used to show a distinct disregard for safety or a lack of value for life. It can also be used to show an artistic or creative flair, making it a particularly valuable item to possess. This can bring a certain integrity, as it shows an appreciation for creation.

Examples of Unique Technology are Space Marine Combi-weapons (Warhammer 40,000) or Skaven Warpfire Throwers (Warhammer).

In The Name of Science

Established Technology

These are machines or weapons that have been proven and refined, and are regularly manufactured and used. They often have a simple quality about them that enables them to be mass produced. This means that they will be found in great abundance, particularly amongst soldiers or others low in a command structure.

Established Technology is, on the whole, fairly safe and reliable. It can be used to show a value for life, or an appreciation for well constructed technology. This is also used to set the base technology level for any setting or entity, no matter how advanced the technology is compared to current real-world standards.

Examples include Empire Handgunners (Warhammer) or American Battle Suits (Secrets of the Third Reich).

Article continues in Issue 02. The issue is still available in print or digital download.

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