It’s heating up at The Campaigner, so head to the website to pre-order or subscribe and receive Issue 33 on release. What can you expect to find in the next issue? Let’s take a look.
The town is ablaze, and the Fire Chief has gone missing! We look at The Brigade, and talk to the games designers Ben Hoban and Alex Wynnter about how they took this game of fire fighting from inception to completion.
The pandemic is still an ever present menace overhead. But can a game help us to plan for what comes after? Pearse Anderson provides his revelations from playing Villagers during the pandemic, and the hope it give him for the future.
What’s better than one really great tabletop magazine? Two really great tabletop magazines. The creators of the new board game publication Senet reveal their understandings of the arcane and mysterious form of print.
We won’t stop bringing this up. Don’t miss out on our special edition Crew Card for use in The Brigade. Only available with pre-orders and subscriptions with Issue 33.
All this plus PK Byron looking at roleplay safety tools in Mastering the Game, the next Worlds of Roleplay instalment, more piracy mayhem in R the C, and much more.
Just head to the subscriptions page before 28 August, choose your option, and a copy of Issue 33 will be delivered to you by the magazines release on 9 September.