13/10/2019 – 19/10/2019
Image Source: White Helm Games, James Morris
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
Apparently someone figured that is would be easier to pinch a title from The Game Crafter and Kickstarter it than creating their own original work.
Don’t feel that Games Workshop has enough of your money? Maybe you want to invest in the company itself instead? Also, the first time I’ve heard someone talk about an “Economic Moat”.
Those who can’t do, teach. And those who can’t teach, teach board games. But really, this is pretty cool.
Working on a game? Look to video games to give you some lessons. I suppose that makes grinding in that MMPORPG research?
Featured crowdfunding campaign
Swords and Spaceships
Want an RPG that is a little different? Interested in being able to invest in your character, and have them and their signature gear your focus? Need a system with an inbuilt fiction, but can easily be used for other settings? Love a sweet ride? This may just be for you.
Swords and Spaceships is an adaptable roleplay system. It has a goal of AUD$12,692 and has so far raised over AUD$800 with 35 days still to go. The campaign is being run by James Morris, and is his first.