28/07/2019 – 03/08/2019
Image Source: Games Workshop, Dissent Games
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
Tuomas Pirinen shared the presentation on the 20 years of Mordheim he gave at Ropecon. I’m glad the fish finally get their dues.
After 14 years at Fantasy Flight Games, designer Corey Konieczka has left the publisher to start his own game company.
After some questions about announced game Scramble for Africa, New York Times writer Kevin Draper decided to discuss the roles players take in games.
TEDx Talks released a talk on inclusion by game designer Matthew Wyatt.
CMON and Guillotine Games are looking to send us back to the streets. Better oil up that chainsaw.
Featured crowdfunding campaign
Disarm the Base
Tomorrow morning weapons are being shipped out to places where they will effect civilians. So tonight you and your team sneak into the base, disarm the weapons, escape, and tell the world.
Disarm the Base is a 1-4 player cooperative game. It has a goal of AUD$8,939 and has already raised over AUD$3,500 with 40 days to go. The campaigns is being run by Dissent Games, and is their first Kickstarter.