The Radheim Team are back with their latest swashbuckling campaign. What are the warbands involved? Why has the eye on the prize? We find out in the second part of R the C, Keep A Weather Eye.
Issue 32 out now
Do you want to take to the skies? You can in Issue 32 of The Campaigner, out now.
Batten Down The Hatches in Issue 31
The Radheim team have left the city and are on a tropical vacation. Join them as they begin their pirate-themed Mordheim campaign R the C with the first part, Batten Down The Hatches, and learn how their crew has grown considerably.
Issue 31 out now
Want to make friends with snakes and other critters? You can in Issue 31 of The Campaigner. Available now in print or digital.
Memoirs From Mordheim in Issue 30
Join the Radheim team as they reflect on their time desperately battling amongst the ruined city of Mordheim. Discover each participants highs and lows in Memoirs From Mordheim, the fifth and final entry of The Circus is Coming.
Last chance to pre-order Issue 31
Slither onto The Campaigner website to pre-order or subscribe and receive Issue 31 on release. What treasures does the issue have in store? Let’s find out!
The Circus Is Coming in Issue 29
Our Mordheim warbands come to a climactic conclusion in part 4 of The Circus Is Coming, Last Band Standing. Will the circus be stopped, or can Chaos grip the already battered city with new levels of terror and evil?
Issue 29 Available Today
Welcome to the city of the clouds in Issue 29 of The Campaigner. Find out what is in the latest issue, and how to get your copy.
Touch the sky in Issue 29
The release of Issue 29 draws closer. It is just within reach. So what will be gracing the pages of the latest issue? Here is a small selection of some of what will be on offer.
This past week on the tabletop
28/07/2019 – 03/08/2019 Image Source: Games Workshop, Dissent Games What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Tuomas Pirinen shared the presentation on the 20 years of Mordheim he gave at Ropecon. I’m glad the fish finally get their dues. After 14 years at Fantasy Flight Games, designer Corey Konieczka has left […]