07/04/2017 – 13/05/2017
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
Time to act like kid, acting like an adult. Geek Dad takes a look at Jason Anarchy’s game Pretending to Grown Up.
Many people remember Mordheim as much for its atmospheric art as for its game play. Tuomas Pirinen posted some of the original John Wigley artwork which he owns.
A legend speaks. Tabletop Gaming announced that game industry veteran Ian Livingstone will be holding a talk about his career at this year’s UK Games Expo.
When is there enough game events? Answer: never! Gateway to Games in Australia reveals the date of their Game Obsession Expo Mannum.
Ever wonder how, or where, some of your favourite games are manufactured? Now is your chance.
Some of the new Kickstarters from this week:
- Sicilian Dungeon
- Burn the Witch!
- Sticky Business
- Xtermination
- Wanted Earth
- Hammered Heroes: A Card Battle Game
- Totenstadt – The Survival Horror Card Game
- Fake News!
- Gomorraland – Diplomacy is Over
- TMS: Vampire Covenant Army
- Trade & Troll
- Rude Rats – Tabletop Miniature Modular Multi-part kits
- Ursa Miner: Bears Mining Honey!
- Frutti di Mare: a strategically delicious board game!
- Daimyo’s Fall – A Treasure Hunting Deckbuilding Game
This is not an endorsement of any of these games, creators or Kickstarter campaigns.