Are you a no good bandit? Or a by-the-book peacekeeper? Gamble on the cards? Maybe prefer the honest work digging and driving cattle? Perhaps you are all these things? That’s what makes you a legend. Matthew straps his six-shooter on and looks at Western Legend.
resource management
Dying for a living
Fill the boots of a Curse Chaser, hunt bounties and search for treasures in a Western-themed desert. I look at The Few and Cursed ahead of its Kickstarter campaign.
Terraforming Mars
Mars, a new world filled with possibilities. Mankind has the technology to bring the planet to life. Using care and thought flora and fauna can be seeded on the surface, creating a paradise for humans. Or there is always the option to just nuke everything to get the job done. Terraforming Mars is a resource […]
It is about control. It always is. Control of communities, what and where they produce. Control of guilds, when they take action and in what way. Control of the people, turning them into tools as a means to an end. It is about taking control, and turning it into power. Feudum is a resource management […]
Efemeris preview
The nations of man have claimed the Earth. Now they look to the heavens. Three of these powers board their ships and take to the stars, exploring the cosmos and claiming other worlds for glory and empire. Recently I spent a little bit of time taking a look at Efemeris, which is designed by DTDA […]
Donning the Purple – Preview
The Roman Empire is waning. Enemies cross her borders, citizens starve due to famine and the ruling families fight each other for power. Even the Emperor is unsafe, the previous ruler being killed by his own bodyguard. But this gap in power is your chance to grab control, command the legions of Rome, and wear […]