This past week on the tabletop

14/04/2019 – 20/04/2019

Image Source: Kolossal Games

What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?

Kolossal Games hit rough seas as Kickstarter suspended its new Hunt the Ravager campaign, as well as retroactively suspended the successful Papillon campaign.

After two days of intensive scrutiny, decisions have been made. We have our 2019 Mensa Select winners.

An ongoing theme in the tabletop industry has been larger companies buying up smaller ones. Jamey Stegmaier examined his latest experience with the possibility of selling Stonemaier Games.

It’s been a little while, but we have another entry into the ‘mainstream media discovers tabletop’ archive. This time its Washington Post unearthing the popularity of D&D.

Australian and New Zealand game creators and publishers, don’t forget there is two weeks left to apply for the SA based AVCon Indie Tabletop Games Area.

Featured crowdfunding campaign


Groups of humanity blossom under the watchful eye of giant AI powered robots. Cities begin to expand, and as opposing group’s urban sprawl begins to collide the Titans come to sort out the disorder. Through the only means they know how. Destroying opponents buildings, and the causing damage to the offending Titan.

Titanomachina is a 2 player blend of board and miniature skirmish games. It has a goal of AUD$41,963 and has so far raised over AUD$1,700 with 18 days to go. The campaign is being run by Robert Wood, and is the second time Titanomachina has sought funding on Kickstarter.

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