28/02/2016 –05/03/2016
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
Geek & Sundry explore how Pathfinder recreated five of its silliest monsters. These are pulled from the 2010 release Misfit Monsters Redeemed.
The collaboration between the Video Shop podcast and game designer Alex Dijk launches. Called Dice Hard, it is a podcast where the trio se movies as inspiration for game designs, created on the fly during the episode.
GaryCon is currently on. Which explains the Dungeons & Dragons explosion over social media.
ABC News discover the mysterious thing called ‘tabletop games’. To be fair, the article is actually a fairly unbiased look at how tabletop games have been gaining ground. While this is Australian focussed, I feel like this is the same basic trajectory of hobby shops worldwide.
Some of the new Kickstarters from this week:
- Hero Havoc – A Russian Roulette style party card game!
- 28mm Ready Made Bases for Mantic’s Fantasy Kings of War
- Table Tantrums
- Warbands of the Cold North II Epic Fantasy Viking Miniatures
- Perils of Mars
- Stone Skull’s 28mm Tabletop Gaming Miniature Furniture
- Modern figures for gaming
- Godbound: A Game of Divine Heroes
This is not an endorsement of any of these games, creators or Kickstarter campaigns.