24/01/2016 – 30/01/2016
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
Every tabletop gamer loves a good table. Webb Pickersgill explored some of the coolest gaming tables around.
It appears Games Workshop is going to try and expand into toy and model stores. Bell of Lost Souls compiled some of the photos of ‘Build & Paint’ kits which were recently taken at the Nuremberg toy fair.
While we are talking about Games Workshop, Tuomas Pirinen posted some thoughts on the recent activities of his former employer. Again, Bell of Lost Souls does a good job of compiling everything you need to know about the matter into one place.
Legion of the Cow posted an article by Jason Martin about creating realistic miniature diorama basing.
Ninja Division are looking to get their game Super Dungeon Tactics through Steam Greenlight. Based on their fun board game Super Dungeon Explore, it looks like a natural progression for the property.
For those interested in creating game artwork, take a look at Marco Bucci’s recounting on how the illustrations for Karmaka came to life.
Yet again CanCon has been help in Canberra, Australia. ABC News ran an online article on the event, one of the first pieces of major news coverage the convention has had.
Some of the new Kickstarters from this week:
- Resineer-15mm Size Hex Tile Terrain
- Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game
- AssassinCon 3-6 Player Hidden Assassin Game
- Gods of Tortuga
- SHADOW AGENT – diceless game of super spy vs evil mastermind
- Reign of Man – Indie Strategy Board Game
- Girls Gone Rogue
- Tabletop RPG Building Maps/Floorplans
- Tabletop Tyrant Miniature Wargaming Storage / Model Case
- The Bermuda Crisis: explore, conspire, build, & trade
- Pugmire Fantasy Tabletop RPG
- Mysteries of the Yōkai: An RPG Inspired by Japanese Folklore
- Heartcatchers
- Mutant: Genlab Alpha