
Live on the streets of Tinderbox

Designers of The Brigade, Alex Wynnter and Ben Hoban, were joined yesterday by Garth Gray from The Dice Men Cometh and The Campaigner’s very own Matthew Lee for a special Kickstarter live stream. You can watch the four go head-to-head in a battle for the top job of the Tinderbox Fire Department on The Brigade […]


This past week on the tabletop

19/06/2016 –25/06/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Some would argue that the world is quickly sliding into chaos and war. So what better time for a Monopoly musical? Spikey Bits have an inside man. This week they featured a selection of photos of Games Workshops booth at the 2016 […]


This past week on the tabletop

12/06/2016 –18/06/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Miniature sculpting and manufacturing company Avatars of War has thrown its support behind The 9th Age. This little not-Warhammer project is really gaining momentum. Not really tabletop game related, but too interesting to go past. In 1992 Mattel released a Game Developer […]

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