24/06/2018 ā 30/06/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Want to paint your miniatures, and in South Australia? Why not learn from the best? Professional miniature painter Meg Maples will be visiting Adelaide again in November. Red Genie Games has a new Kickstarter coming soon. So they are giving away […]
White Dwarf
This past week on the tabletop
28/08/2016 ā 03/09/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Maps are an under-rated art form. This week Cartographers Guild talked to famous fantasy map maker Mike Schley. Iām not sure if they got more than they bargained for. Over on GeekDad, Rob Huddleston, Preston Burt and Jonathan Liu recount their […]
This past week on the tabletop
12/06/2016 ā18/06/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Miniature sculpting and manufacturing company Avatars of War has thrown its support behind The 9th Age. This little not-Warhammer project is really gaining momentum. Not really tabletop game related, but too interesting to go past. In 1992 Mattel released a Game Developer […]