This article originally appeared in Issue 10 of The Campaigner, published in 2014. The issue is still available as digital download or in limited print stock. Interview by Matthew Lee (ML) Sound can be a powerful tool. It can be used to evoke and direct emotion, or describe a place without using wordy prose. Adding […]
This past week on the tabletop
16/09/2018 – 22/09/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? We still don’t know a great deal about Keyforge. Fantasy Flight did relent and give everyone a look into the world of the chaotic Crucible. Miniature manufacturer Scale75 want to do something about pirated and recast minis. Somewhat easy to spell. […]
This past week on the tabletop
25/03/2018 – 31/03/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? You just can’t keep a good epic battle down. Confrontation Resurrection released the Aarklash Post #1, in which is the date of the coming Kickstarter campaign. The ninja is silent and deadly. But also talkative. John Cadice, Co-owner and Creative Director […]
Issue 21 out now
Here it comes to do battle! Issue 21 of The Campaigner is upon us, accompanied by the whirring of machinery and belching black smoke. In this issue we look at the development of the game Scythe. Designer Jamey Stegmaier and artist Jakub Rozalski talk about how they worked together to bring the 1920+ world to […]
This past week on the tabletop
20/08/2017 – 26/08/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? A soldier is down. Spartan Games announced that it is ceasing business. It’s a massacre! Tor Gaming also announced that it will be closing. How do you DJ for hordes of Pathfinder players? Syrinscape gives us a look at how. Find […]
This past week on the tabletop
04/06/2017 – 10/06/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? That is the sound of success. Syrinscape won the UK Games Expo award this week. Secret Hitler goes one step further, adding Trump administration cards to the game. Unfortunately, only available in the USA. Speaking of the UK Games Expo, official […]
Ben Loomes from Syrinscape – PAXAus 2016 interview
Matthew from The Campaigner talks to Ben Loomes from Syrinscape at PAXAus 2016. They discuss what is new with the sound effects program, and Ben gives a demo of the SoundSet Creator. Syrinscape in Issue 10 of The Campaigner: Syrinscape: Presenter: Matthew Lee Camera: Sam Pratt-White Editing: Sam Pratt-White and Matthew Lee Titles: […]
The sound of the tabletop
Syrinscape revealed their latest creation, the Syrinscape Board Game Player. Free to download, it comes with sounds that can be used with a wide variety of classic games like Chess and Soduku. Compatible with PC, Mac, Android, Tablets, iPads and iPhones, it provides players with an authentic-sounding and fully randomized dice roller, “oohs”, “aahs”, and […]
Syrinscape SoundSet Creator Public Beta Demo
For those interested in, or trying to use, the new Syrinscape SoundSet Creator during it’s public beta then check out the latest video by Syrinscape on YouTube. Ben Loomes takes everyone through how to use the creator, and some of the little tricks in getting the effect you want. Syrinscape is a digital product which […]
Join the revolt
The people are revolting! Syrinscape has announced an open call for voices and sounds to include in the upcoming peasants revolt soundset. They are asking fans to submit their own self-recorded sounds, including wooden crashes, shattering glass, screams, yells, group chanting, and other sounds players associate with the a peasants revolt. Everyone who contributes a […]