As you probably know, PAXAus was the past weekend. Tabletop players filled the freeplay areas, the booths were buzzing with people, and the new PAX Collabratory was in full swing. Of course, The Campaigner was there, taking in the event and snapping photos. Check out a selection of photos of the tabletop area right here […]
This past week on the tabletop
21/09/2018 – 27/10/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? The votes are counted, and the winners are in. Kanga announced the winners of the inaugural award. Christmas is on the way! BGG’s Secret Santa for 2018 is now open. Need a savage horde in a flash? Mantic are celebrating Orctober […]
This past week on the tabletop
30/09/2018 – 06/10/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? The creation of the Evil Dead 2 game has gone about as well as a weekend away in a small cabin with a Book of the Dead. Jasco Games are tempting fate by trying their hand at the incantation. Groovy. PAXAus […]
Catch up on PAXAus
The massive Australian edition of PAX is only a month away. A chance to catch up with friends and play the games you like. Or ones that are completely new! And with the new PAX Collaboratory this year looks like the best yet for tabletop. So if you are new to this whole PAXAus thing […]
PAXAus Collaboratory
PAXAus is looming, but still surprises are sprung on us. Yesterday PAXAus revealed the PAX Collaboratory, a new experience which will be appearing at the event next month. Tabletop focused, it will feature designers showing and testing prototypes of in-development games. Currently not much is know about how it will be presented, or who will […]
This past week on the tabletop
26/08/2018 – 01/09/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Cool tabletop terrain alert! Not surprising, as it’s made by someone at Weta Workshop. But still… amazing. You know what goes well with a fancy new logo? A cool new booth. News coverage of tabletop eatery venues is becoming all the […]
This past week on the tabletop
20/05/2018 – 26/05/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? It’s been nearly two decades since he last brought a new show to screens, but Matt Groening has a new animated series coming to Netflix. Called Disenchanted, it follows a hard living princess and her sidekicks in a fantasy world. Still […]
This past week on the tabletop
18/02/2018 – 24/02/2018 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Do things look a little different to you? The Campaigner this week launched a complete website overhaul. Take a look around, but not before checking out some of this weeks happenings. Leder Games announce that they won’t be publishing Deep, designed […]
Visit The Campaigner at PAXAus
It is that time of year again. PAXAus is upon us! Don’t forget to visit The Campaigner at the TGDA booth (TT428) in the tabletop area. We will be selling special PAXAus Relaunch subscriptions, where you can get all issues of The Campaigner during 2018 mailed directly to you for AUD$35. Not only that, but […]
PAXAus panel line-up
There is a lot to see and do at PAXAus, so the enthusiastic attendee has to make the most of their time. The PAXAus panel line-up is now available online, as well as through the Guidebook app, so you have plenty of time to plan out what you are going to see and when. Some […]