This weekend I finished off my version of the Creative Challenge. Black undercoated the stage, with a small section of the back board masked out. Painted flames onto the back board, the pavers sculpted into the floral foam grey and the basing scatter various tones of brown and green. With the windows base coated black […]
Not all paints are equal
Meg Maples has posted an interesting comparison of a small selection of current paint lines on her website Arcane Paintworks. Well worth a read for anyone even half-serious about their miniature painting. There is a slight bias towards P3 paints. This is understandable given that they support two brush blending techniques (the technique Meg uses […]
WIP Magazine on the way
Another independent magazine for hobbyists is on its way. Called WIP Magazine, this publication is aimed squarely at miniature painters and modellers. From their Facebook page: W.I.P. will be useful for beginners as well as interesting for the most experienced… how many times have you embarked on a very uncertain journey when starting a piece? […]
Meg Maples Adelaide painting class
Recently Meg Maples began her painting classes throughout Australia, starting out at Infinity Games in Adelaide. You can find a selection of photos taken at the event on The Campaigner Facebook page. Meg is set to hit Melboune, Sydney and Brisbane, as well as be at CanCon in Canberra. You still might be able to […]