Here it comes to do battle! Issue 21 of The Campaigner is upon us, accompanied by the whirring of machinery and belching black smoke. In this issue we look at the development of the game Scythe. Designer Jamey Stegmaier and artist Jakub Rozalski talk about how they worked together to bring the 1920+ world to […]
Jamey Stegmaier
This past week on the tabletop
25/06/2017 – 01/07/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Could this be the next evolution in strategic tabletop games? Larry Harris, designer on Axis & Allies, reveals details about his next game War Room. Wonder what the Head of Games at Kickstarter does? Tompet Games talks to Luke Crane to […]
This past week on the tabletop
23/04/2017 – 29/04/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? The face of evil on the tabletop. Atlas Obscura took a look at some of the board games published by the Nazi party during WWII. More evidence that boxes are awesome. Pored Panda featured some of artist Monomi Ohno’s work with […]
Issue 19 released today
Are you hungry? Issue 19 of The Campaigner may just quell that hunger. This issue we feature Phil Walker-Harding’s hit game Sushi Go! He talks about where the idea came from, and how it went from crowdfunding to be published by Gamewright. For over a decade Bruno Cathala has been responsible for many enjoyable games. The game […]
This past week on the tabletop
15/01/2017 – 21/01/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week Time to stop aging. The team behind The 9th Age reveal that they are freezing the rules for the foreseeable future. Medioevo Universalis hits Kickstarter, a game so big you need to check it out to believe it. Ready for adventure? […]
This past week on the tabletop
11/12/2016 – 17/12/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Don’t you know that I love you? Don’t you know I’ll always be true? Shut Up & Sit Down review Kingdom Death: Monster, and use the power of music genres to illustrate their point. Only 80’s tabletop gamers will remember this. […]
This past week on the tabletop
06/11/2016 –12/11/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? PAXAus and the semi-regular ‘mainstream media discover tabletop games’ meets this week, with The Guardian listing the eight best indie games at this years event. In the list? Burger Up. Surprise! This is also Burger Up news! Not to be outdone, the […]
This past week on the tabletop
10/07/2016 – 16/07/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Australian game store chain Good Games announced the opening of its first U.S. store. This should be happening sometime in the New Year. Rule & Make officially launch Burger Up with a massive burger-cake. If you weren’t part of the Kickstarter, […]
This past week on the tabletop
05/06/2016 –11/06/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Cosplayer and designer Marie-Claude Bourbonnais posts pictures of her work on the Ninja Division character Musume costume. She also provided a look at her fibreglass statue of Lug, built for Ninja Division, as it starts its journey to Columbus, Ohio. Jamey Stegmaier […]
This past week on the tabletop
08/05/2016 –14/05/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Let’s kick off with everyones favourite, Stonemaier Games. This week Jamey looked at six Kickstarter campaigns and provided some insights he gained from them. Australian game store Vault Games are having a sale. There are quite a few good games in here […]