This article originally appeared in Issue 8 of The Campaigner, published in 2014. The issue is still available as digital download or in limited print stock. Interview by Matthew Lee Stonemaier Games is a recent addition to the board game scene. It broke into the industry with its game Viticulture, which was largely funded through […]
Alex Wynnter talks about The Brigade
Ever wanted to fight fires and save the town? Red Genie Games is currently putting the finishing touches onto The Brigade, a game where players command crews as they rush about the city extinguishing fires. Editor of The Campaigner, Matthew Lee, talked to one of the games designers, Alex Wynnter, about The Brigade, the Red […]
Khairul Hamdan talks Reign
At PAXAus 2016 Khairul Hamdan, game designer from Garage Games, was giving attendees a taste of Reign at the TGDA booth. Part combat card game, part political negotiation simulator, Reign gives players the chance to use all their wiles to claim the Kingdom for themselves. I talked with Khairul about the game, his forays into […]
Ben Loomes from Syrinscape – PAXAus 2016 interview
Matthew from The Campaigner talks to Ben Loomes from Syrinscape at PAXAus 2016. They discuss what is new with the sound effects program, and Ben gives a demo of the SoundSet Creator. Syrinscape in Issue 10 of The Campaigner: Syrinscape: Presenter: Matthew Lee Camera: Sam Pratt-White Editing: Sam Pratt-White and Matthew Lee Titles: […]
Jason Anarchy of Drinking Quest – PAXAus 2016 interview
Matthew from The Campaigner talks to Jason Anarchy from Jason Anarchy Games. They discuss what has happened with Drinking Quest, Jason’s most recent release Pretending to Grownup, as well as his coming game Turtles Riding Airships. Drinking Quest in Issue 16 of The Campaigner: Haiku Warrior in Issue 17 of The Campaigner: Jason […]
Allen Chang from Rule & Make – PAXAus 2016 interview
While at PAXAus 2016 editor Matthew caught up with Allen Chang from Rule & Make. In this video they discuss the recently released Burger Up, the next step for Skyward after successfully funding on Kickstarter, the newly announced Hand of Fate tabletop game, as well as Rule & Make’s new relationship with Table Tyrant Games. […]
Terry Masson talks Mecha Strike Arena
Competitive wargames are not a new thing. Warmachine and Hordes has been offering a relatively successful tournament experience for a few years now. Other games like Warhammer 40,000 have also had a place in the tournament scene, though usually with quite hefty changes to fit the demands of the format. Either way, any tournament system […]
Issue 16 released today
The wait is over, Issue 16 is here! What is on the menu this issue? This issue features the fantasy roleplay game Drinking Quest. We talk to the games designer and publisher, Jason Anarchy, about the inception and execution of a game which merges drinking games and rpgs. Five of the popular YouTube roleplay group […]
The Campaigner editor Matthew interviewed by Blue Room
In an ironic switching of roles, editor of The Campaigner Matthew Lee was recently questioned by Blue Room as part of their ongoing interview series. You can read the piece, titled I Want To Be A Robot – An Interview With Matthew Lee on the Blue Room website. Blue Room is an Australian game design […]
Tristan Morris talks Proxy Army closure
A few days ago Proxy Army announced its shutdown. They had been primarily looking at introducing affordable and adaptable 3D printing technology into the tabletop and miniatures hobby. The Campaigner talked to Tristan Morris, President and founder of Proxy Army, about the companies closure and the reasons behind it. What are the main factors […]