On their way to fulfil the deal with the dragon, one of our heroes forges ahead of the group to scout the way. But what started as simply trailing goblins becomes much more in this issues instalment of Worlds of Roleplay, Liar’s Gambit: Tracking The Steps of Apathy.
Foti Pitrakkos
Worlds of Roleplay in Issue 29
Dragons are big. And tough. A menace for any party of adventurers. But hitting it is straight forward. The real challenge lies in subduing the great beast with not weapons, but words. Foti brings us a new Worlds of Roleplay tale, starting off with a silver tongued rogue making a deal with a dragon that he may yet live to regret.
Worlds of Roleplay in Issue 28
In Issue 28’s instalment of Worlds of Roleplay our heroes are pit against Minotaurs. But with results that may surprise you.
Issue 27 Available Today
Grab a ticket and get ready for fun. This issue we feature Unfair, the tableau building card game. We talk to the games designer, Joel Finch, about creating the highly modular design and challenges associated with it. Enter the haunted house In The Spirit of Kickstarter when we talk to Keith Franks from Cutlass Boardgames. He […]
Not Your Average Ambush in Issue 26
Sometimes the players don’t act how you think they will, as Foti discovered when he pit his friends against ambushing bugbears. Are the players ready to face the situation, or are they more concerned with the etymology of the title ‘bugbear’? Read this article, and many more, in Issue 26 of The Campaigner. Get it now as digital […]
Worlds of Roleplay in Issue 25
Are you ready to dive back into adventure? Foti returns with a new series of Worlds of Roleplay, as he takes the reins as Dungeon Master with two novice players under his wing. Read this article, and many more, in Issue 25 of The Campaigner. Get it now as digital download or in print while stocks last.
Issue 25 Available Today
Find out what’s cooking in Issue 25 of The Campaigner. In this issue things heat up in the kitchen as the game feature visits Burger Up. The games designer Matt Parkes talks about the frantic beginnings of the game, while Allen Chang of Rule & Make joins in to discuss the development. Tavis Parker, co-founder […]