08/11/2020 – 14/11/2020: What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
Allen Chang
Rule & Make
Yesterday Rule & Make announced that it is shutting down. The company, and the core duo of Allan and Alannah who started it all, have made a lasting mark on tabletop. Both within Australia and internationally. In recognition of the importance of Rule & Make, we decided to look back at an interview with Allen […]
Burger Up game feature in Issue 25
Burger Up surprised many with a simple theme that integrated seamlessly with a straight forward stacking mechanic. And it is a lot of fun! The games designer Matt Parkes, and Allen Chang from publisher Rule & Make, provided thoughts and insight into how the game was developed and released. Read this article, and many more, […]
Issue 25 Available Today
Find out what’s cooking in Issue 25 of The Campaigner. In this issue things heat up in the kitchen as the game feature visits Burger Up. The games designer Matt Parkes talks about the frantic beginnings of the game, while Allen Chang of Rule & Make joins in to discuss the development. Tavis Parker, co-founder […]
This past week on the tabletop
05/11/2017 – 11/11/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? At the opening of Murder on the Orient Express actor Daisy Ridley talks about playing Werewolf with the cast. Turns out they were all introduced to it by Penélope Cruz and her husband. With allegations of sexual harassment levelled at writer […]
This past week on the tabletop
20/08/2017 – 26/08/2017 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? A soldier is down. Spartan Games announced that it is ceasing business. It’s a massacre! Tor Gaming also announced that it will be closing. How do you DJ for hordes of Pathfinder players? Syrinscape gives us a look at how. Find […]
Issue 20 out now
Take command of your world! Issue 20 of The Campaigner powers up today. This issue we look at Rise To Power, Rule & Make’s first game. We talk to Allen Chang, one of the designers, and discover how and why the team brought the PRISM collecting strategy game to players. Alvin Cheng from LudiCreations talks […]
Allen Chang from Rule & Make – PAXAus 2016 interview
While at PAXAus 2016 editor Matthew caught up with Allen Chang from Rule & Make. In this video they discuss the recently released Burger Up, the next step for Skyward after successfully funding on Kickstarter, the newly announced Hand of Fate tabletop game, as well as Rule & Make’s new relationship with Table Tyrant Games. […]
This past week on the tabletop
09/10/2016 –15/10/2016 What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week? Stuart over on the blog Lost and the Very Damned talks about the dungeon quest he took his three children on. I’m overly fond of the spell incantations being made up on the spot. Rule & Make’s current Kickstarter for Skyward continues […]
The Campaigner Issue 15 released
Don’t look now, but Issue 15 is coming in to dock. Here it is, the latest issue of The Campaigner. This issue features the roleplay game Fragged Empire. We talk to the games designer, Wade Dyer, about the challenges of creating an entire universe and its rules. Allen Chang discusses the company he co-founded, Rule […]