America recently entered the media awards club with the introduction of the American Tabletop Awards. We talked to one of the instigators and members, Eric Yurko, about how the award came about and where it is headed, in Coming to America.
The Big Steal in Issue 30
What happens when the worlds most ill conceived theft is brought to Kickstarter? We found out when we look at the bogus Dungeon Hoard campaign and talked to the games real creator Ernest Formosa, in The Big Steal.
Adelaide Board Game Group in Issue 30
The Community Spotlight is back again, this time shining the light on the Adelaide Board Game Group. We find out what games are popular in Adelaide, and how the small group has changed to get the word about tabletop into the general community.
Look Out It’s The Dice Men Cometh in Issue 23
Popular podcast The Dice Men Cometh inches ever closer to their 300th episode. In this extract from Issue 23 Matthew talks to the trio of personalities to find out what makes the team tick.
Bruno Cathala in Issue 19
With the recent release of Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon game designer Bruno Cathala again makes a notable entry into his legacy. Find out more about the popular game creator in Issue 19. The issue is still available as digital download or in limited print stock. Interview by Matthew Lee Very few games designers can be […]
Worlds of Roleplay in Issue 29
Dragons are big. And tough. A menace for any party of adventurers. But hitting it is straight forward. The real challenge lies in subduing the great beast with not weapons, but words. Foti brings us a new Worlds of Roleplay tale, starting off with a silver tongued rogue making a deal with a dragon that he may yet live to regret.
Drinking Quest in Issue 16
Jason Anarchy Games recently successfully funded a new instalment to the Drinking Quest series. To mark the occasion we look back at the Drinking Quest game feature in Issue 16 with this article extract.
The Thunder From Down Under in Issue 29
Learn how to create a terrifying, city destroying monster as Simon Boxer and VR Distribution take us through the process of developing the new Australian themed King of Tokyo creature.
The Birth of Tactical Pragmatism in Issue 29
Can one poorly treated model make a difference? Comedian Jordan Shanks gives some insight into the Tau Riptide charity auction he ran.
Skyward in Issue 29
If there is one place humans and robots can go to get along, its the sky. We visit Skyward, the city amongst the clouds, in this issues game feature. Sitting at the feet of the wise Brendan Evans we listen as he explains where the game came from, as well as learn about the artwork side from master craftsman Steven Preston.