This past week on the tabletop

27/10/2019 –02/11/2019

Image Source: Because Science, Holy Grail Games

What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?

There is magic in Magic: The Gathering. And that magic is SCIENCE!

Might be showing my age, but I remember when most GW properties were quite obviously highly satirical. Mel Magazine explored these aspects of 40k, and how it has played into recent politics.

Tabletop in mainstream media. This time the BBC News.

Small tabletop conventions continue to spring up, and provide a way for players to meet and try new games. Such as Game Scene Ballarat.

What are the Aussies up too? The Kanga winners were announced this week. Congratulations to the three fantastic winners, and their teams.

Featured crowdfunding campaign


The Stardrill Corporation is looking for eager people to help them mine Saturn’s moon, Titan. Build resource collection facilities, upgrade your equipment, and work towards the lucrative heart of the satellite.

Titan is for 2-4 players. It has a goal of AUD$40,412 and has so far raised over AUD$117,900 with 16 days left to go. The campaign is being run by Holy Grail Games, and is their seventh. They have previously fully funded five other campaigns, with a sixth for Titan being cancelled a few months back.

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