This past week on the tabletop

12/05/2019 – 18/05/2019

Image Source: Cubicle 7

What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?

The release of the Age of Sigmar RPG has been pushed back to next year. But while we wait, Cubicle 7 has given us the name of the rpg, plus some of its artwork.

The US Government seems intent on increasing tariffs on some Chinese imports. Board games was one of those listed as perhaps seeing an increase.

The Magic Pro League is serious business. You don’t want to break the rules. As pro player Yuuya Watanabe found out.

It’s already done the rounds, even here. But in case you missed it, Rule & Make has announced its closure.

Innovative idea, or slow news day? 9 News decides that a live action interactive Cluedo performance is worth talking about.

Featured crowdfunding campaign


What happens when you mix a doom metal aesthetic, a world on the brink of destruction, and rule light roleplay? Part game, part art book, all visceral experience, MÖRK BORG combines a love of art and games, with a passion for printed books, into one crazy package.

MÖRK BORG has a goal of AUD$7,529 and has so far raised over AUD$7,250 with 27 days to go. It is being run by Johan Nohr, and is the first Kickstarter he has created, with the game being a collaboration between Ockult Ortmastare Games, Stockholm Kartell and Free League Publishing.

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