You have until 29 May to subscribe or pre-order and receive Issue 28. What secrets are hidden between the covers? Read on to find out!
Feudum game feature

Bend the knee. We look at the development and publishing of Feudum, as game designer Mark Swanson gives us an insight into how the game came to be.
If You Build It

A lot of us often take the tabletop community for granted. Kenechkwu Ogbuagu is continuing to help build a Nigerian tabletop community, and industry, from the ground up. This issue we talk to him about the creation of the NIBCARD Games Cafe.
Living The Fragged Life

The Fragged series has proven to be a hugely popular roleplay experience. Wade Dyer talks about increasing the size of the Fragged Development Team, and what this means for Fragged fans.
The Truth Is Out There

Successfully funded game Above Top Secret wasn’t going to make it to completion. Then 3Mates Games revealed it has taken on reviving the title. Stephen Ripamonti from 3Mates Games gives us an insight into how and why Above Top Secret will again take to the skies.
Vault Games

FLGS Worldwide returns as we look at Vault Games in Queensland. Co-owner Dylan Shearer tells us about the store, serving the Brisbane community, and how Vault Games grew out of burger nights.
The Circus Is Coming

In Part 3 of The Circus Is Coming, the Radheim team provide an overview of the scenery they have created. Learn about the purposes of specific pieces, and marvel at just how darn talented these guys are.
Regular content

And of course, all the usually great articles. In Mastering the Game, PK Byron discusses the revival of previous editions of roleplay games. Worlds of Roleplay give us an intimate look at the two, strange, times our pair of elves ran into a Minotaur. Matthew farewells Rule & Make. All of this and much more.