28/10/2018 – 03/11/2018
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
KeyForge: Call of the Archons draws ever closer. Some more secrets are revealed thanks to Fantasy Flight.
In tabletop publishers and media have a unique relationship. Angelus at Story Board explored this occurrence, and talked about his own thoughts on the matter.
Want to know what was going on at PAX Aus? Meeple University started to release its interviews at the event, with such guests as Jason Anarchy and Barantas.
ATGN also launched their coverage of PAX Aus with a look at Scoffton.
Missed the Kanga presentation? A video of it is now on the awards Facebook page.
Want to win a copy of Castles of Caleira? Cutlass Game and The Campaigner launch a giveaway today! Check back later today when the giveaway entries opens.
Featured crowdfunding game
Using the dead for your own twisted machinations! Players assume the role of necromancers, controlling undead minions, casting forbidden spells and desecrating cursed artefacts to best their opponents: other necromancers.
Necromagis is for 2-4 players and created by Loft Goblins. It has a goal of AUD$5,416 and has over AUD$2,300 pledged with 24 days to go. This is Loft Goblins first game, and first Kickstarter campaign. If you want to know more about the game, we ran a preview of it back in September.