01/04/2018 – 07/04/2018
What happened in the world of tabletop over the last week?
More details are released about the first Gloomhaven expansion. Called Forgotten Circles, it will include an all new series of adventures with its own unique monsters and items.
Punchboard Media feature a Gamechangers guest post. Who, or what, is Gamechangers? Read the post to learn more.
It has been a couple of years since Heroquest 25th funded, and still the game has not been released. Gamezone posted two videos which proved… something, I guess.
Nottingham Post talked to local superstar Alessio Cavatore about his game Pacific Rim. Most importantly, about all the sweet, sweet cash he is pulling in from it.
Mixing AI and tabletop returns again. First it was Magic cards, now it is D&D monsters.
Featured crowdfunding game
Dungeon Brawl – A Customizable, Free-For-All, RPG boardgame
Dungeon Brawl is a customizable, take-that, free for all, RPG board game for 3 to 5 players. In this 30 – 60 minute game, Set in a high-fantasy world, players use cards with an Action System similar to D&D. With their custom deck, adventurers attempt to deal as many Wounds to other players as well as grab as much Treasure as they can. Once the Wound Deck runs out, each player adds their Wounds vs Treasure. The player with the highest score, wins!
Dungeon Brawl has a pledge goal of AUD$18,234 and currently has over AUD$1,700 with 21 days to go. It is being run and published by Tableflip Games, who have previously run a Kickstarter for one other game, Tile Pile, which did not fund.