Free Bloody Quest Demo Pack out today

Bloody Quest

Today the Demo Pack of the highly anticipated tabletop roleplay game Bloody Quest becomes available for free download. Currently the game is under development, and today see’s the first public release of the core rules to the world. Players and Game Masters will be able to experience the current version, and then provide feedback using an online survey.

Bloody Quest is a furious and entertaining tabletop roleplay game. Combat is gruesome; there is every chance your character will come out of a fight with horrific physical wounds. Couple this with a sense of epic adventure, exploration and decision making, and you have a powerful experience which appeals to beginner and veteran players alike. The mechanics behind the game are focused on providing a fun and easy-to-use system. A head for math isn’t required; once players have experienced the rules quick and brutal encounters will follow. The onus is on sitting around a table and having fun with your friends.

“Bloody Quest has gone from strength to strength.” The games designer Tony Pettersen said. “We have worked hard to distil the roleplay experience down to something which is visually understandable, simple, and yet offers opportunity for flexibility and complexity. I think roleplayers of all kinds are going to find the Bloody Quest system a compelling addition to the roleplay game family.”

The Bloody Quest Demo Pack is available now as a free download on the Bloody Quest website at

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