Colony 87 Sci-fi Civilians

Colony 87

Even in the deepest, darkest reaches of space not everyone is an armoured titan, tendril whipping alien or psychotic robot. There are those who are just trying to get by, live their lives, and maybe even make a buck.

A Kickstarter that launched today allows you to add a selection of sci-fi civilians to your miniature collection. Called Colony 87, the set is made up of six wonderfully sculpted 28mm models, each bursting with personality.

The Kickstarter itself is quite simple, with seven pledge tiers and no plans for stretch goals. The goal is set for £1,000 and with over half already pledged in the first day, it looks set to successfully fund very soon.

Concept designs were done by illustrator Will Beck and sculpted by figure designer Michael Anderson. The Kickstarter is being run and managed by Jon Boyce from Beast Face Miniatures.

The campaign ends 14 May. You can learn more about the pledge tier details, technical specifications on the miniatures and more on the Kickstater page.

Website Reference: Colony 87 – 28mm Sci-Fi Civilians

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