Next year at Cancon, Owen Top from Terrain For Hippos will be running a number of terrain masterclasses. This is a rare opportunity to see the man in action, and learn some of the tricks of the terrain building trade.
From Owen’s press release:
Sinister associates of the dread clan Top, initiates into dark and secret arts and bearers of the solemn knowledge that the hippo is the greatest of creatures, I bring news.
Due to sinister machinations, sinister masterclasses will be occuring at Cancon this year, in which sinister arts will be taught by sinister individuals to sinister students in a manner which can only be described as sinister. Aye, full well has the House of Top managed to wrangle Terrain For Hippos master classes!
Behold the good news: go forth to book.
Bookings are currently open and can be made through the Southern Battle Gamers website. Sessions available are on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. They are AUD$15 each, and limited to ten participants per session. So get in quick.
Cancon will be held on 24-26 January 2015.
Owen Top writes the popular Terrain Crusade articles that appear in The Campaigner, as well as provides tutorials on his website Terrain For Hippos.