The Campaigner Issue 2 is now available. You can download a free PDF version on the Issue 2 page, or order a print copy from MagCloud. And when you are done reading it, tell your friends. So what is in this issue?
Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack combines thoughtful strategy, opportunistic alliances and LEGO giant robots in a frantic skirmish battle game. We explore the development history of the game, talk to game designer Joshua Newman, and learn why tiny plastic bricks can be a potent artistic medium. Rankings HQ founder Andrew Galea talks to us about the company, its future, and the mad thrill of statistics. We also introduce Gamer Dad, a regular series of articles about wargaming with a family. This issue Paul O’Grady tells us about how he introduced the hobby to his son, what approach he took and why. 3D printing is a fast growing field, both in the commercial and personal sectors, and has the potential to shake the foundations of how hobbyists and wargamers approach the hobby. Dylan Sale introduces us to the basics of 3D printing, what it does and how to become involved. All this, plus many more articles, opinion pieces and a whole lot more.